Niche #23 The Niche of the Earth

“O my servants who have believed, my earth is spacious, therefore Me alone you shall worship.” [Quran 29:56]

Your body is in reality the “spacious earth” in which the Real (Al-Ḥaqq) has commanded you to worship Him.

This is because He only commands you to worship Him throughout His earth as long as your spirit resides in the earth of your body.

Thus, if you should be parted from it, you are no longer held to account, though your body remains on the earth and is buried in it.

Hence, you come to know that the earth in actuality is none other than your body, and He has made it “spacious” in terms of what it encompasses of faculties and meanings.

Excerpts from the "Niches" Book


Niche #5 The Niche of Remembrance (Dhikr)

Remember Me free of any limits (muṭlaq), for any remembrance ...


Niche #12 The Niche of Effacement and Recreation

The states are renewed upon an individual existent that is n ...


Niche #15 The Niche of Dire-Neediness

The real needy (muḍṭarr) is the one who calls upon his Lord ...


Niche #18 The Niche of the Femininity

When Prophet Musa (AS) realized the worth of women and their ...


Niche #20 The Niche of “Greater and Everlasting”

The ascetic who shuns this worldly life leans towards the Mo ...


Niche #22 The Niche of Mercy

“Or did those who commit evil deeds think that they could po ...


Niche #23 The Niche of the Earth

“O my servants who have believed, my earth is spacious, ther ...


Niche #29 The Niche of the Bottom

The hypocrites have none other than the very bottom of the F ...


Niche #30 The Niche of Trust

“And upon Allah rely.” [Quran 5:23] The Most Exalted is say ...